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 Proprietor’s Introduction

السلام   عليكم  ورحمة  الله   وبركاته

Rawdhatul Ilm Wal Huda, the Garden of Islamic Knowledge and Guidance,  aims to start enrolling girls of age 11 years and over after Government approval.

The Muslim community of the United Kingdom needs schools that provide a comprehensive, positive and inclusive understanding of Islam as well as secular education in a secure Islamic environment.

With this goal in mind, Rawdha is being established through the acceptance and mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala and the gracious duaas and generosity of Muslim brothers and sisters across the country.

The aim will be to provide education and development for local students along with students from around the country.

Rawdha recognises that each young Muslim needs to strive to acquire knowledge in all aspects that affect mankind’s existence; from historical to contemporary, from academic to vocational, from pragmatic to dogmatic and from Islamic to secular.   We want all young Muslims who study at Rawdha to have the self-esteem and confidence to play a positive and inclusive role in their communities, to be good Muslims and exemplary citizens.

I thank you for visiting our website and hope that you will remember Rawdha in your Duaas.

Proprietor (the Trust)

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